Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Scott & Ted's 9th Annual Charity Car Show Info

We're excited to announce that Scott & Ted's 9th annual charity car show will be held on Sunday, September 28, 2014. As in previous years, the show is open to the public and all vehicle makes and models are welcome. Registration will be from 9:00 am to 11:00 am with vehicle judging beginning shortly after. This year's show features 15 classes including motorcycles, trucks, race cars, stock and modified vehicles. We are also pleased to introduce the Jeep class to this year's lineup. Awards will be given to the top three finishers in each class. Winners of the “Best In Show” class, as chosen by our beneficiaries, will be treated to dinner at Ted's Garage after the show.

For the first time in the show's history, there will be two beneficiaries: Carl Dulany and Lukah Case. Carl, a member of the Clinton community for almost four decades, was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease) last year. ALS affects the nervous system and ultimately shuts down voluntary muscle movement. There is limited knowledge regarding the disease, which tends to progress quickly. Since the diagnosis, Carl has lost nearly all of his muscle control and is permanently confined to a wheelchair. With the help of his wife, Mary Kay, Carl attends an ALS support group which provides comfort to those who have been diagnosed.

Lukah, a 16 year old Clinton High School student, was diagnosed with Dysautonomia in October 2013. Dysautonomia is a disruption of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which creates issues with the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems. Symptoms of Dysautonomia include increased heart rate upon standing, extreme fluctuations in blood pressure, seizures, dizziness and insomnia to name a few. Once a standout athlete, Lukah is now unable to attend regular school classes due to the side effects of her condition. In order to prevent further injuries, Lukah's family is trying to raise $20,000 to purchase a service dog through Canine Partners for Life.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for ALS or Dysautonomia. The goal of Scott & Ted's annual car show is to generate awareness about the two diseases in order to help fund further research. All proceeds from this year's show will be donated to the Central Illinois MDA organization for ALS support as well as “Doggone Dysautonomia” to help the Case family purchase a service dog.

In addition to an amazing display of vehicles, we will also have the mobile Dyno, a live DJ, food provided by Black Kettle BBQ, and other family fun activities. We will also be providing a free shuttle service to the Apple and Pork Festival at the C.H. Moore Homestead. For more information about the show please contact Lindsay at 217-935-3156.

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